クリストファー・プリースト(Christopher Priest)



語り/騙りの技法を駆使した文芸性豊かなSF、幻想小説を執筆し、好評を博す。65年、Impulse誌に短篇“The Run”を発表しデビュー。








Greetings from Christopher Priest

What can I say about a country, a people, a civilization, that I have never visited except in my dreams? Dreams, as we all know, are unreliable. They are in some ways better than real life, but you can’t travel in them, delay them, meet real people, nor even repeat them if they satisfy you. When you know almost nothing about the reality of another country, but love the little bit you know, it is all out of proportion. That is Japan for me. I imagine it is a nation of book lovers, of thinkers who believe in the future, of artists and innovators struggling with their devotion. That is the language we both speak, but your natural language is closed to me. Thank goodness for translators - I would not exist in Japan without them. For the rest, I love what I think I know.
Outside dreams the only reality I am aware of is the similarity between where I live and where I have never been. Our countries, Britain and Japan, are about the same physical size. We are crowded with people, but still have areas of mountains, forests and wild terrain. We are both countries made up of islands. More than that, our islands are on the edge of huge oceans, which make us vulnerable to unpredictable changes of weather.
As Japan is a cultured island state standing close to the overwhelming size of Asia, so Britain is a cultured island state standing close to the overwhelming size of Europe. We are at opposite ends of the same continental mass.
The sense of living on an island has always informed me, but a few years ago I decided to move away from our fairly large and industrialized island to what might be called a real one, where nature and other elements are still in control. Now I live on an isolated island situated off the west coast of Scotland, less than 25 kilometres long and less than 5 kilometres wide, washed by the daily tides that sweep in from the Atlantic Ocean. The house where we live overlooks the sea, and there are mountains in the distance. The extensive woodlands on our island are a safe haven for many different kinds of animals and birds. Every night the shipping forecast on the radio warns us of storms and wilder weather. It rains almost every day! Our pine trees bend in the healthy winds. Part of my dream would be to dwell on such a view through the blossom-laden branches of a cherry tree.
For now the dream has to be sufficient. The reality of seeing Japan for myself is not possible, but one day maybe ...
I send my love and regards to everyone at HAL-CON!

Christopher Priest